Giuseppe Lucio Tarzariol from Castle Roganzuolo, founder of the artistic movement: "I reminiscent" is considered, by critics Artist Leaders of Contemporary Art, for its unique artistic commitment, an excellent interpreter of the high artistic value. He has been awarded the title of international avant-garde Academic and the official Artistic investiture of "Master of Art" as well as that of Honorary Member Emeritus of the Italy in Art. Contemporary critics consider him one of the artists to invest on. We find his work in the pages of "The Masters of the Century" in the Encyclopedia of Contemporary Art "Protagonists of the new avant-garde Artistic 2013”, published by EA. Recently he was awarded prestigious prizes and awards, such as the " Biennial Nobel Prize of Art in Monte Carlo", the "Van Gogh Prize - City of Amsterdam", The Art Prize Neptune for the importance of the joints Topics, implemented in the field of Visual Arts, the result of indisputable Intellectual and Cultural subtleties insights, and the Human Rights Award Spartacus for the wise individual social commitment and professional commitment, critical and innovative, which reveals the future generations, the essential message of Peace and Freedom. He has been surveyed in various catalogs and various Journals such as Art Effect, Boe, Overart, Expoart, Archeo & Mysteries, X Time, etc.. A versatile and eclectic artist, an "Art of the border" innovator and researcher that does not omit either the philosophical aspects of evolutionary art or the new awareness of 'human ingenuity. With his art and his research "Archeolalienismo", which is a term he coined, he wants to communicate the existence of an alien reality which has influenced human evolution. His research has also been presented in books and in articles published in national and international journals. He produces artistic installations, sundials, ( "Sundials" are realistic large paintings), frescoes, paintings, furniture mixed media, reproductions of archaeological artifacts.